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Terms of use

The content offered by United States Artificial Intelligence Institute (USAII®) on the official website is subject to some terms of use, and we may update our terms periodically, therefore, we advise our website users to check this page at regular intervals. By visiting the site, you agree to accept all these terms. Any portion of content or details given on the website cannot be reproduced without prior permission from USAII® in a written format.


All content and functionality available on our website are the exclusive property of USAII®, comprising logos, text, graphics, and their arrangement are protected under international copyright laws. All rights not expressly granted in this Agreement are reserved to USAII®.


The Trademarks ("Marks") appearing on this site like trademarks, logos, designs, and other names are the registered intellectual property of USAII®. While navigating through the website you must not use any of these trademarks for advertising, promotion, and other purposes, as this may cause confusion or dilute or damage the reputation or image of USAII®. Additionally, you may find other trademarks that are not ours but still visible on the website are other companies' properties. These companies may or may not be connected or affiliated with USAII®. Use these trademarks or reproducing them is strictly prohibited and can lead to legal action against you.


A visitor to our official website gets a restricted and non-exclusive right to access, download, and print the website's content. However, you must agree that details and information available on the website should be used only for personal and information–related purposes and will not be reproduced, altered, modified, transmitted, posted, or redistributed in any way. Information and details accessible on the official site of USAII® are subject to copyright protection; therefore, if you take any content/information/details from the website, you must contribute them.


You must agree to the fact that USAII® has the absolute authority to make full use of all details you either post or publish on its website while navigating through Information, views, opinions, and recommendations expressed in the content posted or published belong to the authors thereof, and they do not necessarily reflect the views of USAII®. Please be aware that you should stay away from any claims against USAII® for any violations of any privacy or promotion-related rights, ethical rights, or attribution–related rights regarding our use and publish of these sorts of submissions. However, it would be best if you always refrained from posting/publishing resources that are:

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At USAII®, we neither evaluate nor take accountability for the posts made by users on our website. However, we always have the right to discard or eliminate any post or information, partially or completely.


At USAII®, we never guarantee the information and details available on our site, which is given "as is" without any guarantee, and warranty concerning to non–violation and the results you may get by using information’s available on the website. USAII® will never be held responsible for any omission or error in the content and information or documents used as a reference or linked with our website.

We never guarantee:

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  2. All our content/resources are secure, apt, constant, and error-free
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All disputes arising hereunder shall be governed by and interpreted under the laws of the United States of America and Utah laws.