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Artificial Intelligence Removes Unconscious Bias in Recruiting

Oct 01, 2021

Artificial Intelligence Removes Unconscious Bias in Recruiting

As per the Future workplace report of Oracle 2019, about 64% of the people said that they were more likely to trust robots rather than managers for advice. Also, they welcomed AI in HR systems wholeheartedly in favor of non-biased decisions. AI systems are faster and capable of making decisions quickly by considering the data which even the human recruiters fail to evaluate at that speed.

A Korn Ferry survey reported that about two-thirds i.e. 63% of the talent acquisition experts believe AI has made dramatic changes to the way their companies carried out recruitments. For about half of the respondents, since AI was introduced, more skillful and talented candidates have filled up the roles in the workplace.

Role of AI in Recruitment Process

Undoubtedly, AI has been successful in creating impactful solutions in various areas of recruitment. It has also simplified the HR processes and made recruitment much easier than it used to be. The major use cases of recruitment where AI has proven to be successful are:

1. Sourcing

AI is a powerful tool that can automate the candidate sourcing process by scraping databases to get the ideal candidates for vacant positions. Through a real-time feedback system, AI in HR can build the candidate experiences and provide them timely updates on the progress of recruitment through recruiter chatbots. This is a big relief to the candidates, as there is no room for any frustration for the candidates

There are also intelligent tools to help in candidate discovery, which can save the effort and time required from the end of the team. Companies like Vodafone use AI-triggered software to source and screen the applications and give easier access for their talent pool to the candidates.

2. Screening

Resume screening has geared up with the automated solutions provided by AI-powered systems. With this, AI skills can be used for an unbiased candidate assessment. By offering data-driven and completely objective-based insights, AI systems can successfully eradicate human bias in screening and finding the right fit for the firm.

According to the reports from HR technologists, about 46% of the hiring managers find it difficult to earn qualified leads. However, AI-powered software tools such as LinkedIn recruiter lets them easily shorten their talent pool to come down to the CVs with unbiased screening.

3. Interviews

Businesses are moving towards implementing AI-based recruiting tools to enable the automation of interviews and candidate communication. AI can deeply analyze the facial gestures and the voice modulations of the candidates to identify their personality traits.

The brands like Facebook, Google, and Apple use AI-triggered videos as their recruiting tools. Unilever is recruiting above 30,000 people annually and processes an average of 1.8 million or more job applications. The video interviews conducted by them are also assessed by Machine learning algorithms. With NLP and body language identification techniques, the AI determines a good fit for the position.

Bias in Recruitment Process

Unconscious bias refers to the quick automatic thoughts that people use to arrive at a decision quickly. This is natural and everyone is susceptible to it. The unconscious bias makes hiring practices unfair.

Several studies and reports have questioned and revealed the facts about unconscious bias shot against the minor sections, aged workers and women.

Traditional hiring mechanisms were pathetically biased. This is because the recruiters were human beings, and it is obvious for human recruiters to have a particular favor or support for any person or group of persons.

The arrival of AI-based recruiting tools to the market has brought relief to the HR sector. However, a shocking fact was that the recruiting engine built by Amazon stopped its operations soon after the launch. This was because their machine learning algorithms did not like women and favored men candidates more.

Apart from such biased AI engines, the AI-driven recruiting tools continue to rule the recruitment industry with ease of sourcing, screening, interviewing and every related operation associated with recruitment.

Use of AI against the bias in recruitment

ModernHire had conducted a detailed study about the effect of AI on the recruitment processes and related information. It was found that when the active job seekers are considered, 44% of them had experienced the worst forms of discrimination while doing their job searches. They also said that they believe AI can bring changes to these unbiased recruiting procedures.

About 56% of these respondents said that the AI systems would be less biased when compared to the human recruiters. About 49% of them said that AI can boost the opportunities of getting hired.

Both the recruiters and candidates prefer using AI-based systems to eliminate bias and boost workplace diversity. AI systems can solve particular problems in hiring operations and can be used to eradicate unwanted bias from the processes.

Benefits of AI in the hiring process

AI-driven systems can benefit the candidates and organizations with efficient processes in the following ways:

  • Create consistency in the recruiting process through automation and equity in hiring.
  • Unbiased candidate review concerning the proper and professional assessment.
  • Enhance candidate experience by giving them more power to perform.
  • Save the time of recruiters and can get rid of repetitive tasks.
  • Make assessments, profile analysis, and hiring easy.

Wrap Up

Undoubtedly, AI can eliminate the unconscious bias from recruitment processes and make them more quick and smooth. Even though there exist certain AI tools with some flaws, these can be easily addressed. The AI developers are dedicated to providing the best AI tools for hassle-free recruitment with their in-depth knowledge, AI skills, and AI certifications.

The AI tools can be well designed to meet your particular requirements and specifications. The AI software is trained to recognize human behavior patterns so that they analyze human activities, gestures, and etc. well.

Even though AI systems have grown to a great extent, they haven't completely replaced human intervention. AI-powered systems are operational only with human oversight. Along with AI, you may also use human judgment and insights to decide on improving the HR processes.

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